
upcoming ad in Weddings Unveiled

Congratulations to Anneliese and Arie on their recent wedding as well as the image in the VISIO ad in weddings unveiled. We just felt that this image really spoke volumes about passion. If you'd like to see more of this beautiful wedding, click here for a slideshow...

Here is a mockup of the ad...


Heidi and Richard King said...

You guys are so amazing! This picture is gorgeous...I will have to look for your ad! That is great. It almost makes me want to get married again...to my husband!:)

kristin said...

Beautiful Shot!

Charlotte Wedding Photographer - The Schultzes said...

love this - great image!

VISIO said...

Thank ya'll for your comments. I just realized (after we received the magazines) that I typo'd our phone number. OOOpps... It's supposed to be "659" not "695". Guess I should get more proofers next time for all that text :)
Anyway, take care and happy shooting!
